Made in America – My Story by Sam Walton

What’s up friends??

Made in America - My Story by Sam Walton Book

I want to veer off of programming topics, and instead, I just want to talk about a book that I am reading. I think we could all use a bit of fresh air away from programming once in a while. Reading is on my top 3 list of activities that I do everyday, it’s a way for me to have a break away from the programming world. As such, I definitely am happy to share one book that I currently am reading, and who knows, you might add this to your own reading list!

Besides programming, I like to learn a bit about other areas too, especially how businesses were brought up from the beginning and the obstacles that they had to face in order to achieve the goals. Hence, the book that I am reading is “Sam Walton: Made in America – My Story” by Sam Walton with John Huey.

Sam Walton was the founder of Walmart and Sam’s Club. I picked up this book because I wanted to see what Sam did in the beginning and how he brought these enterprises to life. I currently am halfway through the book, and let me tell ya, I am hooked to this book. Sam Walton was not just an entrepreneur, he was an inspirational motivator, always pushing the boundaries and improving upon his existing stores by learning from his rivals.

I can’t recommend this book enough for people who are thinking of starting their own businesses. If you decide to grab this book, feel free to let me know what ya think of it, and if you have any book recommendations, let me know! Have a good week and stay healthy.