Youtube Auto Loop a Video

Looping a Youtube Video

I was working on adding a few features to a pet project – one of them was allowing users to add a youtube video to their profile page. In order to this though, we need to get familiarized with youtube and a few parameters we already know.

A commonly known parameter is autoplay, if we set this to “1” – the youtube video will play automatically on an initial page load.

The general structure is illustrated below, get familiar if you aren’t already – this is a pretty cool feature.

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Using jQuery to automatically download a PDF file

Window Location Href in Javascript

I’ve been working through one of those client requests that isn’t use too often. They wanted a PDF be automatically downloaded after submitting their email (the only field on the form).

I started thinking about different scenarios, particularly this one:

If a visitor successfully completes the form and hits submit, should the PDF open on a new window tab or should it be automatically be downloaded?

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Big Commerce – Adding rel attributes to pagination

BigCommerce Adding Rel Attributes to Pagination

I was working on a BigCommerce site that needed rel attributes added to its pagination links. I’ve worked with BigCommerce sites in the past and I was curious if their backend had changed since then.

The rel=”next” and rel=”prev” link attributes are used to tell Google that each page in the series are unique – this eliminates duplicate content. This is similar to the rel=”canonical” attribute.

I dove right in – everything looked pretty much the same which was good, I needed that extra time to get familiarized again with where their template files were. I’m a big fan of BigCommerce – their backend is super slick. They’re working hard over there at BigCommerce.

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WordPress links with hashes and disabling a links normal behavior

WordPress allows for the creation of custom links within the Menu’s area. I like this feature, it has been around for years.

I use it sometimes to create internal and external links but there are cases where I wanted them disabled. In this case and as you may have experienced – a custom link requires a value. It’s pretty common to just put a hash “#” as a value.

Something like href=”#”. This however will cause the element to behave normally as it should – there’s nothing wrong with that except it will cause your page to “jump” back up to the top of the page which can be annoying for visitors.

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