Javascript Fundamentals

Javascript Fundamentals

Whoa that title, yeah it made me cringe a little don’t ask me why. Perhaps it’s because I’ve seen it over countless times but I couldn’t think of a better title. I was gonna go with “Vanilla Javascript” but we all know that deserves it’s own space.

Javascript fundamentals is like going back in time, sort of like when the earth was formed. Were not going to get into the details of lexical environments or function scope or objects, well maybe a little on objects. Were going to just simply define a few javascript constructs.

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Google Page Speed Console

Google Page Speed Console

I get a lot of consulting gigs having to do with Google Page Speed – basically an assessment on how fast a website loads on a browser. You might be curious why this is important if you haven’t worked with SEO or Web Development. The thing is you don’t even need to be a techie to know why this is so crucial in almost every aspect of running an online business.

Google Page Speed Insights

I remember working for a start up back in the 90s and being part of a meeting having to do with this subject. I barely knew how to write some HTML back in those days, I was such a noob. Anyway, back in those days SEO was still really finding its place in terms of job title.

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Expandable / Collapsible Text using jQuery

Expandable / Collapsible Text using jQuery

I’d like to first talk about my relationship with Javascript before I get into jQuery. I’ve known Javascript since the 90s, back when I was a young lad, Javascript freaked me out – I’ll admit I was really intimidated by Javascript more than I was with PHP. I mean they even have a modern looking official site for Javascript now that’s not so daunting.

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React Fundamentals – ReactJS

React Fundamentals – ReactJS

I didn’t know what to title this post – I’ve got tons of thoughts about ReactJS. At the time of this post, ReactJS has taken single page apps to another level, well I shouldn’t say another level – it just sounded cool. Yeah there are others out there – I actually like Vue.js, it’s a much lighter version compared to react. And Angular(what version is out now) – I make mention of this framework with a little snark because I’ve wrestled with it many times in the past. At the moment I’m not really a big fan of Angular, sorry Angular but there’s just way too much stuff going on with you. Maybe things will change.

I wanted to make another post dedicated to just my thoughts on ReactJS but then I’ll be overthinking it and then I’ll end up going in circles. So let’s just get on with it.

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Using jQuery to automatically download a PDF file

Window Location Href in Javascript

I’ve been working through one of those client requests that isn’t use too often. They wanted a PDF be automatically downloaded after submitting their email (the only field on the form).

I started thinking about different scenarios, particularly this one:

If a visitor successfully completes the form and hits submit, should the PDF open on a new window tab or should it be automatically be downloaded?

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WordPress links with hashes and disabling a links normal behavior

WordPress allows for the creation of custom links within the Menu’s area. I like this feature, it has been around for years.

I use it sometimes to create internal and external links but there are cases where I wanted them disabled. In this case and as you may have experienced – a custom link requires a value. It’s pretty common to just put a hash “#” as a value.

Something like href=”#”. This however will cause the element to behave normally as it should – there’s nothing wrong with that except it will cause your page to “jump” back up to the top of the page which can be annoying for visitors.

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